Miraculous diets can
help you to lose weight... for some time. After one month of painful sacrifice
you finally unlock the fridge and fill it up with all the yummy groceries you
used to enjoy before. You are back in your routine, back in your habits - and
back on your unwanted weight. The idea of staying on such a diet forever to
keep your body in preferred shape is obviously freaky. You don't want to eat
what someone else orders you to eat. You want to eat what YOUR body asks for.
It's pretty natural.
Therefore the only way how to lose weight with permanent
effect would be to teach your body to ask for healthy food. And if we want to
change the body's preferences, we need to start at it's management point - our
The correlation
between body and mind belongs to the main pillars of alternative medicine.
Theoretically, if we resolve the problem residing in our soul, that
psychological issue that forces us to eat abnormal doses of unhealthy food, we
should be able to change our eating habits once forever with a smile - and be
happier, healthier and more satisfied with ourselves.
What kind of
psychological issue are we talking about? Well, it probably varies from person
to person. Everybody has a unique personality and unique life journey. We can
just try to have a closer look at five most common categories.
If we consider the
food to be a drug that substitutes something we are missing in our life we can
compare it to the classic drug addict problem. Instead of seeing exciting
points of life and focusing on relationships, carrier or hobbies, drug addicts
put themselves under an exciting feeling the drug brings them, escaping from
daily routine, escaping from responsibility to solve problems, escaping from
real life.
We sometimes hear overweight people complaining: "This skinny
woman tells me she forgot to eat. How can you forget something like that? I
forget my phone at home, I forget to organize a meeting, but I would never ever
forget to have my meal!"
But it is not
actually that difficult to forget to eat if you are busy with something that
really overwhelms your mind. If you focus on something that keeps your brain
occupied, if you are doing something you believe it's worth doing. At that
moment you naturally don't think about food... until your stomach makes you
realize you are seriously hungry.
In other words, you
need to discover an activity that will help you to fill the life with something
more meaningful than just burger and chips.
Take the opposite
extreme - if you are busy TOO MUCH but your activities are not making you happy
at all. You don't follow your daily routine with passion, you just do things
because you HAVE TO. They chase you at work to your limits, you have never
break, you are starving but no time to eat, then it's still shopping, screaming
kids, demanding husband/wife and when it's finally quiet and everybody is
sleeping, you watch your favorite TV show till one o'clock... and here comes
your time. To calm down and relax, to forget there is another morning coming,
you attack the fridge in attempt to get all the stress off your shoulders and
to feel satisfied at least for that half an hour.
Here we need to look
for the stress factors that are causing your overall frustration. Changes will
be needed in your every day life. You will have to learn how to satisfy other
needs and desires, apart of the stomach ones.
Alternative medicine
usually claims it is a certain emotional problem that's causing obesity. For
more detailed explanation we will have to make a little journey into the
deepest layer of our psyche and try to figure out the meaning of "food"
in the archetypal symbolism.
Everybody needs to
eat in order to survive, therefore "food" is a significant part of
collective Unconscious, an archetype every single person alive needs to deal
We receive the first
food just after we are born - it is usually our mother who supplies us with the
very first feed. The taste of the first food comes along with the first
mother's touch and it takes an essential role in creating bond. The silent
message of every nurturing mother can be basically expressed as: "I love
you, I take care of you, I feed you." The duty to prepare the food for the
family was traditionally assigned to the mother - in traditional society the
father had to make sure there was enough money to obtain groceries but the mother
was the one who physically cooked the meal and served it on the family table.
Is it just coincidence that our western population became so obese in decades
when women started working full time, concentrating on their carrier and losing
time to plan a proper family menu?
And it can't be just
the plain replacement of home made meal with fast food - one slice of pizza or
one burger won't make you fat. The weight gets picked up with overfeeding and
addiction to junk food. Why do we have such a need to eat, eat and eat like if
our stomach got never satisfied with its content? Well, maybe because our body
is not satisfied with the nature of the food we are accepting - and that's why
we still stay "hungry".
There is something
about making food. Specially, there is something about making food FOR SOMEONE.
Many people would say: "If I am at home alone, I don't cook. Why should I
cook for myself?" When your family leaves for a weekend and you have to
stay at home alone, you will probably open a can of baked beans, toast two slices
of bread and you are done. But if you are preparing meal for your loved ones or
for friends that come to visit you play with the food way more - to make sure
they enjoy it. And what can give a chef bigger pleasure than watching people
enjoying his meal? The message "I made a nice meal for you because I like
you and I care about you" is still there, although we don't realize it. If
we cook with love and our food is accepted with joy we are exchanging important
feelings and strengthening bond between each other.
If the bond gets
holes and starts breaking up our subconscious believes we can repair it with
eating. But in fact, we are not hungry for food. We are hungry for that
emotional connection we are missing in our relationships.
This category is also
about feelings, however in this case we are talking about overfeeding that
follows a heart breaking event in our life, usually a break up. Like if we
believed that sweet taste could balance the bitterness we feel inside. Only
solution is to overcome the past, avoid sorry feelings for yourself and open
the mind and heart to something new.
This happens mostly
to the loving parents that are trying to give their children the best they can.
There wouldn't be anything wrong with that - if they were also able to treat
themselves in the same way. Did you ever hear yourself saying: "I am not
gonna eat this mango. I rather keep it for my little one. It's so healthy. But
I am hungry, so I can finish this box of cookies instead." Why are we
trying to teach our kids to eat healthy but when it comes to our own diet we
stuff our bodies with a complete junk? "That's too good for me" or
"I don't deserve this" or maybe even "I don't need to eat
healthy any more, my body is old anyway, will go to the grave soon." These
statements have something to do with our self-evaluation and self-esteem. We
want our children to learn how to look after themselves to live a long, healthy
life while we deny our own drive to stay healthy and live long.
We would feel
guilty if we ate something healthy that could be useful to somebody else
instead. We can track a link to the situations when we eat all the leftovers as
we would feel guilty if we threw them to the bin. We don't realize that all the
excessive food our body doesn't need is going to waste anyway. By eating it we
just change ourselves into some kind of alive trash cans.
Solution? Love
yourself and look after yourself - from inside and outside - so that you are
not teaching your children something you actually never do. At the end, you
want to be a good example to them, don't you?
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